
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

When Mankind Was Afflicted With Famine!

Ubqari Magazine - July 2018

The Time of Death, Place and Method are predefined:



A person told me that once a wedding party reached home late at night. The groom was wed. Departure was in the morning. People slept very late at night. The beds were also less. Two people slept on one bed. After that the beds were completed. I slept on the bed next to the groom. Another person was sleeping with the groom. Everyone was tired because of the whole day’s journey. That is why as soon as they lied down on the bed, everyone fell asleep. But I don’t know why I was not being able to sleep! I was having a weird anxiety. In the meantime I saw that the hand of the groom which was hanging out of the bed, but was higher than the ground. I saw that a huge scorpion came and it wanted to sting the hand of the groom by hopping again and again. But since the hand was higher, so it could not sting. It jumped high but still it could not sting. Then it jumped high, but even then it could not sting! Then it jumped even higher than that but it did not succeed even then! After this struggle it vanished away. I was dumbfounded that what’s the story? My sleep vanished. And the drowsiness that I had also finished. I became alert.



After some time that scorpion dragged a big dry piece of dung. The scorpion placed that piece under the hand of the groom. Then it climbed the piece of dung and jumped. Now the scorpion reached the hand of the groom, and the scorpion stung it. After that I fell asleep. In the morning everyone was running here and there and there was noise that groom was lying dead. What happened? How it happened? Who killed the groom? He died a natural death? Is there a wound on the body? There is not a dagger as well? How it all happened? So as much mouths so were so many stories. I said to the guests, I shall tell you that what happened? This piece of dung that is lying here, the scorpion dragged it here, he showed the line and he has been stung by the scorpion. That scorpion was duty-bound, it fulfilled its duty. Anything happens just at once, so just at once this thing happened. Why should it happen at once? Behind everything there is an order [لکل شیئ اجل]. A time is fixed for everything [واللہ غالب علی امرہ] . And the order of my Allah Almighty is dominant upon the whole universe. All the states and affairs of the universe, the flood of inflation that has arrived, in a very small time this flood of inflation has engulfed the whole world. And this flood of inflation has not arrived just in Pakistan; rather it has arrived in the whole world! This is not inflation; Allah Almighty has inflicted a famine upon us.



Famine of the Era of Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) and His Generosity:



In the era of Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) when famine inflicted, then on the dining of Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) daily ten camels were slaughtered and cooked. And poor people, and people without means would come every day and eat as per their wishes. And the state of Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) was that he would eat barley bread with vinegar. Barley bread is quite thick. Even though he was commander of the faithful, but Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) had abandoned good clothes, good dress, good home for him, because at that time Ummah was suffering from hardships.


News of Hazrat Muhammad ():


This was the same time when an old woman slaughtered a goat and only a few drops of blood came out from the goat. And then that old woman said, “Wow Muhammad () how many blessings were there in your times.” Then Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) was given good news through a dream. Hazrat Muhammad () said in the dream, “I used to consider you wise! Do you people look at the visible means? That herds and herds are coming. Lines of camels are coming. And the camels are being slaughtered.” After seeing this dream Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) called upon the dignified companions of Hazrat Muhammad (). A congregation of the Shoora gathering was held. Now all the companions sat together that to what has Hazrat Muhammad () pointed to in the dream! Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) was very anxious. At last this thing came forward our eyes have moved away from Allah Almighty who creates the means.

What is the dignity of companions of Hazrat Muhammad ()! In the era in which Hazrat Umar (رضی اللہ عنہ) was alive, in that era how many companions would be alive? Till this time this was only the time of the second caliphate! In this how many prestigious companions were present! And their worships, their piety, their concentration in prayers and fasting, their connection with Allah Almighty, their love with Allah Almighty, how strange and how much would that have been? But the eyes drifted a little bit, as a result blessing eyes of Allah also removed away from them! The animals started dying! The trees died! Mankind suffered from famines! And all of this happened in the era of Hazrat Umar Farooq (رضی اللہ عنہ).



Need For Individual and Collective Repentance and Its Blessings:


Please note people of Allah! All the states that will come in the whole world, they shall all come because of us! Rather they are coming because of us. And they shall go away because of us. If an earthquake will come it will come because of us! If a famine will come it will come because of us! If a flood will come it will come because of us! (Continued)


Allah Almighty is Blessing with Every Bounty!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! May Allah’s millions of blessings be showered upon you. Aameen! For a long time I had thought that I shall write to you. I am reading Ubqari for the past 5 years. I asked Allah for something and I found that in the form of Ubqari. He has been very kind with me. After finding Ubqari and after listening to your sermons the paths that have opened for me, I cannot explain those. I pray for you every moment. The thing that I needed that most was Ubqari and your sermons. Since the time I have started listening to the sermons, I had a severe desire to meet you. Allah Almighty fulfilled that too. I met you on 28th May 2014 with my husband at your clinic. I shall never be able to forget that day and time. Ever since we have started listening to the sermons, Allah Almighty has made the worldly affairs very beautiful. Peace in the house, bliss in sustenance, redemption from illnesses has been achieved. Life is very peaceful and affluent. It is a special blessing of Allah Almighty on me. He has blessed me with everything and every blessing.

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